Your privacy is important to us, here’s what you need to know about the information we collect and how we use it.
Use of Personal Information Policy
Our ‘Use of Personal Information Policy’ describes what information we collect whilst you visit our website and how we use that information.
We use tracking technologies, such as cookies, which are stored on your device past your visit to our website.
When you submit any form through this website, we collect the information you supply in the form fields to allow us to process your query. In the event that our automated contact processor identifies a potential attempt at submitting malicious or spam content we will collect your IP address after the third attempt to submit potentially malicious form content. In this event, your IP address will be stored within our servers to ensure future attempts to access online form functions, that communicate directly with our systems, are prevented.
The successful submission of any online contact will be classed as your consent to be contacted with regards to the submitted query only. Recording consent is a requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation which is designed to protect you from unsolicited contact and to ensure your information is only used as you consent it to be.
We use the information we collect to correspond with you and to provide evidence of lawful contact to any authority instructed to investigate that we comply with data protection regulations.
We will never divulge any information supplied to any other company or individual outside of Winchurch Transport Ltd apart from any technical issues which may be passed to our development partner The Edgeway Group, upon your consent, who are signed data processors on our behalf and who abide by the same policies as ourselves.
Whilst we hold your information every effort will be made to ensure that it is kept secure and that only members of staff who are dealing directly with your query have access to your details.
If you have any queries, you can contact our Data Controller by sending an email to
API and Winchurch Portal Users
Queries regarding the use of processed information for API and Winchurch Portal users should be directed to